Saturday, February 22, 2020

My Most Anticipated Game of 2020

In my opinion, 2020 doesn't look like it will be great for gaming. There of course are some games i'm looking foward to, namely DOOM Eternal, but otherwise there aren't many games that appeal to me.

One game though I am incredibly excited for. A game that had it's previous installment released eight years ago in 2012. Of course, I am talking about Animal Crossing New Horizons.

It's been so incredibly long since the last installment. Sure the previous installment (Animal Crossing New Leaf) got a decently sized update in 2016; but other than that only spinoff games have been released. Some bad like Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, and some alright like Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Unfortunately none of these games scratch the Animal Crossing itch. I've tried to get back into New Leaf, but it gets stale after a few days, especially now that the sequel has been confirmed. I'm expecting this game to be a blast, especially after the recent Nintendo Direct!